The Busy Mom's Guide to Skin Care

You deserve a little self-care.

Almost every day I find myself telling a client, “If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else." But for busy moms, self-care often lands last on the list. Most days you’re lucky to take a shower, let alone practice any consistent skin care regimen. But the ritual of taking care of your skin is about much more than looking good. It also helps preserve mental health and overall wellness. Here are a few tips to work with even the busiest of schedules:

Simplify your routine. Nobody has time for the 14-step Korean skin care routine, let alone busy moms. Focus on the basics: cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. If you feel really ambitious, weave in a mask once a week. You can even create an activity involving your kids and mask together.

Take advantage of the shower. Multitasking in the shower? You bet! Keep a second cleanser in the stall, along with an exfoliating mask you can apply while conditioning your hair or shaving your legs.

Keep products within reach. Out of sight is out of mind! Don’t hide your products in a cabinet. Keep 'em right next to your toothbrush so you remember to use them. Wash your face and moisturize right after dinner if you’re often too tired before bed.

Prioritize stress management. Stress can take a toll on your skin, leading to breakouts, inflammation, and other issues. Make time for stress management activities like getting a facial or a massage. Or throw on a mask and take a bath (can you imagine?)!

Taking care of your skin doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Happy Mother’s Day!