You don’t have to settle for basic brows

 Say goodbye to messy, unruly brows and hello to perfectly groomed arches that lasts for weeks. Depending on your hair, Brow Lamination can make your brows look fuller, straighter, more uniform, and even help disguise gaps and sparseness. Here’s how it works:

What is the process? Our licensed estheticians apply a gentle solution to soften the hair follicles, making it easier to reshape your brows. Once the brows are softened, they will brush them into a flattering new shape and “perm” them into place. Finally, they’ll add a pop of color that complements your skin tone.

How is it different? Unlike microblading or tattooing, brow lamination is a non-invasive procedure that doesn’t require any downtime. It doesn't involve adding or removing any hair. Brow Lamination simply softens your existing brows so you can style them any way you like.

How long does it last? Depending on your hair, usually about 4 weeks.

What is the aftercare? After your appointment, you’ll need to wait 48 hours before getting your brows wet. Then, just like with perming your hair, every day you’ll need to brush your brows into place. They will not be shellacked to your head. You can comb them, move them, and style them any way you like. And they’ll stay that way all day.